The Solo DUI Lawyer’s Secret Weapon

The Anxious Solo DUI LawyerDUI Cop Stop™
The Solo DUI Lawyer’s Secret Weapon

Solo attorneys have it rough. They work hard, only to quickly discover that the cost of getting noticed among the sea of larger firms is just too cost-prohibitive.

You’re about to discover a way to help you rise above the fold and establish a level of notoriety that will make all the difference for your law practice.

Setting Yourself Apart from the Vast Competition

So, without expending copious amounts of cash and precious resources, how do you go about setting yourself apart from the glut of criminal defense firms in your area who handle DUI law? Is there a practical and affordable way for the solo DUI attorney to get noticed? The answer is “Yes,” and the way to do it is with DUI Cop Stop™.

DUI Cop Stop™ is an online interactive DUI game, and it provides an opportunity for solo DUI law practitioners to stand out from the crowd. This recently released virtual reality game is getting attention all across the U.S. Thousands of folks have been playing it and experiencing what it’s like to get pulled over and interrogated for suspected DUI.

Getting Your Name Out There

Lawyers who sponsor DUI Cop Stop™ in one or more zip codes are exclusively hailed as the “official DUI expert” in the area. Those who play the game see your name and custom message the entire time. And if the player clicks your ad during or after the game, he or she is taken directly to your website to learn more about you.

Happy Solo AttorneysExclusivity

Here’s the best part: No competitor gets to show his or her ad in your sponsored zip codes: You have a legal monopoly in those territories for as long as you remain their sponsor.  All who play DUI Cop Stop™ in your zip codes will grow familiar with you, and that familiarity establishes credibility and engenders trust. As a result, you alone will be deemed the “go to guy/gal”.  There’s nothing greater in a competitive industry like DUI law than to stand out from the crowd.  What is that worth to you?

Don’t Wait For The Competition

Don’t let the hundreds or thousands of people who will be playing DUI Cop Stop™ in your area for years to come see anyone other than you while they’re playing.  You can be the official DUI expert for your entire area by becoming a sponsor if you do it now. Check below to see if your preferred zip code(s) are available. If they are, claim your territory while you still can!

Can You Talk Your Way Out of a DUI?